Mistress Phone Sex – Femdom Goddess Phone Sex https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com The very best Femdom phone sex on the Internet! We specialize in domination phone sex with Mistresses of all types to suit your needs. Tue, 25 Feb 2025 22:11:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 201691490 Body Worship Phone Sex With Gina https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/02/25/body-worship-phone-sex-with-gina/ Tue, 25 Feb 2025 22:09:44 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1275 Continue reading ]]>
body worship phone sex
You know, I’ve been thinking about body worship phone sex a lot lately. And I know you’ve been thinking a lot about stepmom phone sex, too. So what do you say we come together and make both our fantasies come true?

Let’s say I’m your gorgeous stepmom, whom you’ve been lusting over ever since the first time your dad brought me home to meet you. I’m much younger than he is, actually closer to your age. So I totally understand why you have these feelings about me.

Approached By Your Hot Stepmom

Now, imagine if, one night, your dad is out. I come into your room and approach you, wearing nothing but my short silk robe and no panties. You wouldn’t believe your luck if that happened, would you?

Well, there is one caveat here. I enjoy being in control, so if you want to play with me, you’ll need to submit to a little sensual domination phone sex. But something tells me that won’t really be a problem for you, will it?

Have you always imagined me being the one in control of our imaginary encounters that you’ve laid out in your mind? Good. That’ll make reality much easier to deal with.

Body Worship Phone Sex With Your Beautiful Stepmom

I tell you that if you want to touch me, you’ve got to be willing to worship me. You don’t seem to mind that at all. In fact, you immediately drop to your knees to begin your body worship phone sex scenario. You may not be entirely sure what to do, but you’re going to make up for it with extreme enthusiasm!

Don’t worry, though. I’ll be happy to guide you. Just start with some nice foot worship phone sex and make your way up from there. When you reach the hem of my robe, stop. Then, you can remove it and work on my breasts for a little while. I know you love those!

After you’ve taken care of my feet, my legs, my thighs, and my breasts, it’s time for some ass worship phone sex. In fact, I think I’ll take it a step farther and make it facesitting phone sex, too. You lie down on your bed on your back, and I’ll come sit down on your face and let you worship my ass with your mouth. What do you think?

Worship Your Femdom Goddess

If you do a good enough job worshipping my ass, I might even let you worship my pussy, too. But let’s not get carried away just yet. For now, focus on my perfect ass and showing me how much you adore it. Then, maybe we can think about moving on to something else.

I didn’t think you’d mind submitting to some domination phone sex, and I was absolutely correct. You’ve taken to it like a duck takes to water. You’re an even better sub than your father!

Yes, I know you never thought your stepmom would take control of you like this. But lucky for you, I did. I saw potential in you and knew you could be molded into such a good boy for me. I look forward to doing this again and again and again with you.

If this sounds like the kind of body worship phone sex fantasy with your stepmom that you would enjoy, why not give me, Gina, a call right now by clicking the button below? Body worship phone sex doesn’t have to end after you’re finished adoring me. Who knows what might happen after that? If you want to find out, all you have to do is call me!

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Encouraged Bi Phone Sex With Jayda https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/02/18/encouraged-bi-phone-sex-with-jayda/ Wed, 19 Feb 2025 04:11:56 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1269 Continue reading ]]>
encouraged bi phone sex
Hey there, do you enjoy encouraged bi phone sex stories? If so, I’ve got one for you! This one’s great because it involves both encouraged bi and confession phone sex, too! And if you know me, you know I love a good confession, so everything about this experience was awesome in my book. Maybe you’ll like it, too!

A Caller With A Confession

I had a submissive guy call me a couple of days ago with a confession. He told me he’d been thinking about encouraged bi phone sex nonstop for so long that he just couldn’t take it any more! So I asked him what he planned on doing about it. He told me that he’d been looking for the perfect Black phone sex Princess to guide him. And now that he’d found me, he was going to submit to real encouraged bi phone sex.

Of course, I had to ask him what he meant by that, too. He told me that he planned on going to a glory hole at the local adult bookstore while he was on the phone with me and letting me tell him what he needed to do to be a good cocksucker!

I was blown away because with all the encouraged bi phone sex calls I’ve had, I’ve never had the opportunity to actually encourage someone during the act before! It’s usually a roleplay fantasy. Sometimes, I might get to encourage someone before they go and suck a cock. But I was actually going to get to do the encouraging while the whole thing was going on. I was stoked!

Getting Ready For The Cocksucking

In his confession, my caller also revealed to me that he had purchased a dildo a little while back for the sole purpose of practicing his cocksucking phone sex skills on it. And, hey, that seemed like a reasonable plan to me. So I informed him that I wanted him to practice on it for a little while before he headed over to the adult bookstore. He readily agreed and started slurping on that dildo with wild abandon!

I gave him a few pointers while he sucked, and he took them to heart. Then, when I thought he was ready, I gave him his assignment for the night. Get dressed up in something that made him feel ready to do something naughty, then go to the adult bookstore. When he got to the booth, he was to give me a call back so I could listen in.

Encouraged Bi Phone Sex Was Everything He’d Hoped!

He did everything I instructed and called me when he got in the booth. We didn’t have to wait long for a man to stick his cock through the hole. I told him to go over there, kneel in front of it, and start licking all over that dick to get it nice and wet. I could hear it as he was licking, y’all. It sounded so hot!

Then, I told him once he got it all wet, he should take it in his mouth. At that point, I could hear him sucking, and I was so excited myself that I could hardly stand it! I kept cheering him on, being his encouraged cocksucking phone sex cheerleader for the evening. He loved it, and so did I! He ended up sucking five cocks before he decided his jaw needed some rest before he did any more, and we parted ways for the night, but not before he promised he’d be back for more soon!

So of course, that’s put me in the mood for some more encouraged bi phone sex with you guys. I really look forward to cheering on some more would-be cocksuckers, so why not give me, Princess Jayda, a call right now? I’d love to hear from you and help you out a little bit!

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Adult Baby Phone Sex With Vivika https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/02/08/adult-baby-phone-sex-with-vivika/ Sat, 08 Feb 2025 22:33:16 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1261 Continue reading ]]>
adult baby phone sex
Hello to my favorite adult baby phone sex boy today! Granny Vivika is so glad your Mommy brought you over to stay with me for a little while. She has a few errands to run and would like a bit of a break, so I offered to let you stay with me until she’s finished. Doesn’t that sound like fun?

Staying With Grandma

Your phone sex Grandma is so happy to see you today! You look like you’ve grown since I last saw you, even though I know it wasn’t that long ago. Be that as it may, you’re still small enough for me to lift up and carry around and hold in my arms, which also makes me very happy.

Let’s see, what are we going to do together today? You’ll definitely want something to eat at some point. What’s the point of coming to Grandma Vivika’s if she doesn’t give you a freshly-baked cookie, right? And of course, we’ll have to play. That part almost goes without saying.

Come here and sit on my lap while you eat your cookie. Ok, maybe two cookies. Just don’t tell Mommy, all right? 😉 Granny Vivika will hold your sippy cup of milk for you so you don’t drop it.

How’s the cookie? Is it good? I hope so. I baked them just for you because I knew you were coming over and would enjoy them! Would you like to watch a movie or play with some of your toys when you finish your snack?

Adult Baby Phone Sex Is So Much Fun

There are so many possibilities when you come to Grandma Vivika’s house, aren’t there? Adult baby phone sex contains multitudes, and I like to participate in as many of those things as possible when I have a chance. Don’t you?

Come cuddle with me on the couch while we put on a Disney movie, baby. ABDL phone sex is just so nice and intimate. I love cuddling with you! It makes this Granny’s day!

Oh, no, are you getting fussy? Would you like your paci, or would you prefer Granny Vivika’s nipple to suck on? Oh, yes, I thought that’s what you’d say. Let me take off my shirt for you. I’m not wearing a bra underneath, so you can lay your head against my bare chest and suck on my nipples to soothe yourself.

A Very Excited Granny

You know, baby, when we do these sorts of things during our adult baby phone sex calls, Granny Vivika gets very excited. I try not to because I know the focus should be entirely on you. But I can’t help myself! It just happens because you are so cute and fun.

That’s ok, though. I’ll take care of me. But who’s going to take care of you? I bet you’re straining in your diaper, aren’t you? Let Granny Vivika just slide a hand down the front of it and see. Ah, yes. Just as I thought. That little pee-pee of yours is rock hard! Well, don’t worry, baby. Grandma Vivika can take care of that for you and then change you and put you in a clean diaper when we’re finished.

Does that feel good? I certainly hope so. This is one of the many reasons that adult baby phone sex is one of my favorite things in the whole world! How about you?

If this sounds like a fantasy you would enjoy, why not give Granny Vivika a call on Cougars.com by clicking the button below? I would love to hear from you and have some adult baby phone sex with you!

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Femdom Phone Sex With Bunny https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/02/03/femdom-phone-sex-with-bunny/ Tue, 04 Feb 2025 02:25:40 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1257 Continue reading ]]>
femdom phone sex
Hello to all my Femdom phone sex lovers out there! I know there are many of you out there in the wild, and I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. Today, I want to talk to you about what makes a good sub and how you, as a submissive, can make your phone sex Mistress‘s job much easier.

The Three Keys To Being A Great Submissive

When I tell you that there are three keys to being a great submissive, I’m dead serious. That’s it. There are only three of them. Everything else revolves around these three little things.

So what are these things, you ask? You want to make sure you’re doing them, right? Well, the first one is listen. The second is obey. And the third is communicate.

That’s it. Those three simple things are what separate a mediocre sub from a great one. If you can listen to what you’re told, do as you’re told, and provide feedback when necessary, you’re light-years ahead of most of your peers in this regard.

Listen And Obey Your Mistress

In order to have the best Femdom phone sex, you have to be able to listen. If you don’t listen well and can’t pay attention, you’re going to do a shit job at being a sub. I don’t enjoy repeating myself multiple times (and will, in fact, dismiss a sub who makes me to do it too often), just to get my point across. If you don’t listen, you won’t be able to do the second key thing on the list, which is obey. In order to obey, you have to know what the instructions were in the first place!

The best domination phone sex and fetish phone sex calls happen between a Goddess who knows what she wants (me) and a sub who is willing to do whatever is within his power to please her (you). If I give you instructions, I expect you to follow them. Otherwise, why would I give them to you? I don’t talk just to hear the sound of my own voice (I’m actually quite introverted, to be honest with you), so when I say something, I want it to be obeyed, generally speaking.

Communication During Femdom Phone Sex

Now, I understand that all orders cannot be obeyed immediately (or sometimes at all). This is where the communication aspect comes into play. If I tell you something and you listen, but don’t understand what I’ve said, I need you to communicate that to me. Ask for clarification. It’s better to spend a little extra time at the beginning, making sure you understand the assignment, than it is to spend a lot of extra time at the end, fixing something you did wrong inadvertently.

Also, if I give you an order you cannot physically carry out or you do not have the ability or means to do what I ask, you can communicate that to me as well. I won’t be upset. I’ll be proud of you for letting me know what’s going on.

And while we’re on the subject of communication during Femdom phone sex, let me also say that if I ask you what you think or ask for your opinion, I do not want some generic “Anything you want, Goddess” bullshit answer. If I asked, I genuinely want to know. And for you not to share that with me when you’re asked is borderline disrespectful.

So there you have it, the three keys to a successful Femdom phone sex relationship. This BBW Domme phone sex Goddess looks forward to talking with you and helping you put these important keys into practice, so go ahead and click the button below to give me, Bunny BBW, a call right now!

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Cuckold Phone Sex With Abby https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/01/27/cuckold-phone-sex-with-abby-2/ Mon, 27 Jan 2025 22:13:07 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1244 Continue reading ]]>
cuckold phone sex
Let me ask you a question: Have you ever seriously considered cuckold phone sex? No, I’m being for real. Have you? If not, it’s something you might want to consider.

Why, you ask? Because you’ve been my boyfriend for quite some time now, and you’re not able to please me in the way I want to pleased. Sure, you buy me nice things and take me nice places and generally do kind things for me. But a woman has needs, too, and your skills in that regard are sadly lacking.

I Have Always Been A Cheating Girlfriend

You already know you can’t keep up with me sexually. And if you can’t do it now, you certainly won’t be able to five, ten, twenty years down the line. That’s why I’ve always been what some might call a cheating girlfriend phone sex Goddess with multiple boyfriends. (Though I wouldn’t call it cheating. It’s not like I’ve ever hidden it from you. You’ve known from jump that I’m polyamorous.

But I think you should seriously consider cuckold phone sex. I mean, I’m going to fuck other people either way. You can either bury your head in the sand and pretend not to notice, or you can get with the program, learn to participate, and start enjoying your girlfriend’s propensity for fucking other men. It’s up to you.

You Can Be My Cuckold Phone Sex Boyfriend

I’ll be happy to train you in the ways of cuckold phone sex. You can be the best boyfriend in the whole world if you just learn a few things. Just take what you already know about pleasing me non-sexually with gifts and dates and doing chores for me and so forth and add to that an enjoyment of watching me fuck others. Then, you’ll be the perfect cuckold phone sex boyfriend for me. What do you say?

Don’t worry, I’ll teach you everything you need to know here. You can learn to help me get ready for my dates with my other boyfriends with the bigger cocks. You can learn to prepare both me and my house for their arrival. You can even spruce yourself up with some panties or something if you like.

Then, you’ll soon learn to sublimate that jealousy you feel at seeing me with someone else into arousal. Your dick will be so hard it could cut diamonds! And you’ll be a good boy and not even touch it until I give you permission to do so.

The Creampie Cleanup Boy

And of course, we can’t forget the creampie phone sex aspect of the whole thing. A good cuckold phone sex boyfriend will always act as the creampie cleanup boy. And I don’t mean you’ll be putting me in the shower to clean me up, either. You have a much nicer method of cleaning right there on your body, available at all times–your tongue!

I’m not saying you have to make any big decisions right now. I’m just saying think about it. I’m going to fuck those big dicks, no matter what. It’s up to you how you choose to handle it.

Oh, you might want to start watching cuckolding porn, too. You’ll learn a lot from that, and you’ll get accustomed to getting hard while being cuckolded, too. It’s really win/win.

So think about it for a while. Once you make your mind up that you’re going to learn to love the way I like to fuck around, you can give me, Abby, a call by clicking the button below for some hot cuckold phone sex fun! I can’t wait to hear from you.

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Tease And Denial Phone Sex With Kylie https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/01/20/tease-and-denial-phone-sex-with-kylie-3/ Mon, 20 Jan 2025 21:18:25 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1235 Continue reading ]]>
tease and denial phone sex
Are you in need of some tease and denial phone sex in your life? Of course you are! Why wouldn’t you be? Duh.

Well, that’s great if that’s what you need because that is absolutely what I’m here for. Taking charge of dudes’ dicks happens to be one of my specialties, so come on and get you some cock control phone sex with Kylie!

Orgasm Denial For Dry January

Ok, so as you may already know, January is known as Dry January, as it’s often a time when people try to sober up after the holidays. And that’s great if that’s what you need to do. (And if you’re doing that, then I highly encourage you to continue!)

But drinking too much is probably not your problem, is it? Or at least, not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that you have a weird masturbation addiction that you need to break before it becomes a serious issue. So we’re going to pervert Dry January just a little bit for our own benefit. Your January won’t be dry because you won’t be drinking. It’ll be dry because you won’t be cumming!

There are lots of ways I can help you along with this, but tease and denial phone sex is the most fun!

Masturbation Problems

If you jerk off too much, you already know what kinds of issues this causes. For instance, you start to get desensitized to everything, so it requires more stimulation, be it physical or mental to make you cum. You start to get obsessed with it, and it starts taking over your life. And who wants to be a loser whose masturbatory habits have taken over their life? No one in their right fucking mind, so that’s what you need me for. I’m going to break your brain in such a way that we can put it back together so that arousal on your part doesn’t automatically mean you gotta jerk it. Know what I mean?

So put yourself and your dick into my hands, and we’ll teach you not to be a masturbation addict or a gooner or whatever. I have zero respect for someone who’s totally controlled by their dick, anyway, so I have no use for those guys. We’re gonna make you something so much better, and we’re gonna do it with some tease and denial phone sex.

Tease And Denial Phone Sex For You

This Dry January, I’m going to tell you that you can’t touch your cock without my permission. If you can just follow this one simple rule, I will improve your life for you. All you need is this bratty Domme phone sex Princess to help you out!

So I’m going to revoke permission to touch your dick, and then I’m going to give you the most intense prick tease phone sex you’ve ever experienced. I mean, I’m pulling out all the stops to make your dick throb and leak for me. And when you think you can’t handle any more…I’m gonna keep going!

We’ll take baby steps, don’t worry. I won’t push you too far too fast. But I do expect you to cooperate, so be a good boy for me. This tease and denial phone sex is what you need.

The denial will not last forever, either. Sure, you’ll have to endure a few (or several) sessions with no orgasm. But I don’t believe in long-term denial, so if you can make it until Valentine’s Day without cumming without permission, then I’ll give you a treat! 😀

Are you ready to change your life this Dry January? If so, give me, Princess Kylie, a call for some tease and denial phone sex!

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Cock Control Phone Sex With Diamond https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2025/01/10/cock-control-phone-sex-with-diamond/ Fri, 10 Jan 2025 21:35:35 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1224 Continue reading ]]>
cock control phone sex
Hey, baby, are you looking for some cock control phone sex today? If so, you’re in the right place because today, Mz Diamond is in the mood to control some dicks! Go ahead and read on. You can thank me for it later. 😉

CBT Or Tease And Denial?

I’m in the mood to take control of your cock and do exactly what I please with it. That means, if I feel like CBT phone sex and you don’t, well, too bad for you! You’ll get all the CBT and ballbusting I feel like dishing out before I get bored with it.

The same goes for tease and denial phone sex. If you turn control of your dick over to Mz Diamond, that means you have to submit to whatever I want to do to you. And if what I want to do is tease you until your brains leak slowly out of your ears, then that’s what you’re going to have to endure.

High rollers might be able to play some financial domination phone sex games with me to make the worst of the CBT or tease and denial stop. But if you don’t have a fat wallet, don’t even try because Mz Diamond is not bought off cheaply. No, ma’am, not at all.

But most of you can’t play games with stakes that high, so you’re stuck submitting to whatever I happen to be in the mood for at any given time, lol.

Forced Orgasm Fun

But you might get lucky. What I have planned for you might not be as bad as CBT/ballbusting or tease and denial that lasts for days. I might just be in the mood for some cock milking. Of course, this is one of those things that’s often a double-edged sword, too. Being milked for cock control phone sex purposes is fun the first orgasm or two, but when you’re having the sixth one in two hours wrung out of you, it’s a lot less fun.

A little cock milking, mixed with a lot of forced orgasm phone sex actually sounds really good right now. Let the buyer beware. *Laughs evilly*

No, really, though, think about it. I’ll use my hands for a while to milk you, and then I’ll swap to a vibrator to force some more of those orgasms. Sounds like a good way to spend an evening to me!

Try Your Luck With Cock Control Phone Sex With Me

Of course, you’re always welcome to try your luck with cock control phone sex with Mz Diamond. You can never tell what you might get! And who knows, it might even be something you’ll love? It just depends on my mood and what I think you need the most.

Whether what you get is something you like or something you’re not fond of, though, I think you’ll benefit from it. “It builds character,” my Granny used to say. Of course, she wasn’t talking about cock control phone sex when she said it, but that’s entirely beside the point. I say it builds character, and that’s good enough!

Anyway, if you need your character built with a little cock control phone sex, you know what you need to do! Just give Mz Diamond a call. All you have to do is click the button below and follow the instructions. Then, when you have me on the line, just tell me you’re in need of a beautiful ebony Femdom phone sex Goddess to take control of your wayward dick. Your wish, in that case, is my command, and I’m going to take good care of it. Talk to you soon!

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Breast Worship Phone Sex With Adrienne https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2024/10/11/breast-worship-phone-sex-with-adrienne/ Sat, 12 Oct 2024 02:07:11 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1192 Continue reading ]]>
breast worship phone sex
If there’s one form of body worship I really adore, it’s breast worship phone sex. I like all forms of body worship phone sex, of course, because what woman wouldn’t? But of all the different types that there are out there, I think breast worship phone sex has to be my favorite.

It may be because I have such nice breasts, and I just like having someone else show appreciation for them. It may also be because they’re very sensitive–the nipples, especially–and I enjoy someone giving them attention and turning me on in that way. Or it could be a little of both. (It’s probably a little of both!)

My Preferred Form Of Body Worship

Even though breast worship phone sex is my preferred form of body worship, I don’t get to engage in it nearly as often as I would like. I find that submissives tend to be ass men or leg men, rather than boob men. And that’s fine because I certainly don’t mind ass or leg worship! But when I encounter a sub who’s into breast worship phone sex, it makes me very happy.

I like to lie back and enjoy it, honestly. Ass worship with facesitting can be fun, but without the use of a queening stool, your legs are going to get tired. But if you’re just lying down on your back, having your tits worshipped, you don’t have to worry about any part of your body giving out. (Yes, this is a concern for us mature phone sex ladies sometimes!)

Of course, I also don’t mind standing up and letting a man kneel on my bed to worship my titties. That can be a very nice (and intimate) show of worship, too.

How To Do Breast Worship Phone Sex

The way I usually like to have a sub begin a breast worship phone sex session is, of course, to help me take off my top and/or bra, if I’m wearing one. If not, we can skip right to the worship part. But if I am, I like for him to take it off of me, although I have been known to rub my clothed tits against him a little to tease him with what he’s about to get his hands on before he actually does get his hands on them. 😉

Then, I like to lie back on my back and let him massage my breasts with both hands. Ideally, this means two hands on one breast at a time. But I won’t complain if he takes one in each hand, either. Regardless of how he chooses to use his hands, we’ll definitely need some massage oil or some lotion to make sure everything is nice and slippery.

After the massage comes the kissing. He can kiss my tits for me, from the outsides to the areolae and then to the nipples themselves. He can flick his tongue against the nipple, then suck it into his mouth while I lie there and moan happily in pleasure.

The Femdom’s Choice

After a good bout of breast worship phone sex, there’s no telling where it might go next. I might have you do some pussy worship on me while I lie there with my legs spread. I might decide to give you a nice titty-fucking, if I’m feeling really generous. Or maybe I’ll kick you in the balls or fuck you in the ass with my strap on. Really, there’s no telling where it might lead….

It’s ultimately my choice, as your Femdom phone sex Goddess, isn’t it? If you’d like to try your luck with some breast worship phone sex, give me, Miss Adrienne, a call. You’ll love finding out what happens next!

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Encouraged Bi Phone Sex With Kristen https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2024/08/11/encouraged-bi-phone-sex-with-kristen/ Mon, 12 Aug 2024 00:15:08 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1158 Continue reading ]]>
encouraged bi phone sex
Hey there, encouraged bi phone sex lovers! Let me ask you a question. Have you ever just known that someone was a cocksucker, just by something they said or did?

I have. I had my suspicions about my ex-boyfriend for a long time, back when I was an undergrad. But the first time I saw him eat ice cream, I knew for sure.

Is He A Cocksucker?

Ice cream? Yes! He didn’t, like, daintily lick or nibble or whatever. He sucked it back like a true cocksucker. He was deep-throating that cone, practically. So after the first time I saw that, I was on a mission to get him to suck cock for me!

I started off by introducing him to my strap on. He loved it, just like you strap on phone sex lovers do! He took it in both holes like a fucking champ, let me tell you.

Then, when I knew he was hooked on the pegging phone sex aspect of it, I moved on to stage two, which involved a trans girl friend. I told him I had always had this fantasy of having a threesome with a t-girl. He didn’t object, and we made it happen. The two of them just fucked me, though, not each other. But that was ok because I was just trying to get him used to do the idea of another cock being in the room with us during sexy times.

Trying The T-Girl’s Cock

The second time we had a threesome with that friend, though, I got what I wanted, which was to see some cocksucking! My ex got on his knees and sucked my friend’s cock in a way that would make all you cocksucking phone sex lovers jealous!

I was also able to talk him into letting her fuck him. That was the first time I ever enjoyed something like encouraged bi phone sex with him. (Not the first time I’d ever done it with a guy, though, just the first time with him!)

Encouraged Bi Phone Sex With A Guy!

Finally, stage three of my plan was watching him with a guy, instead of a girl with a cock. I suggested another threesome, this time with one of my bi friends. My ex knew very well that this guy was bi, and he agreed to it, so I assumed everything was on the table!

And I was right, y’all. My ex and my friend did all kinds of things together. And just like in our encouraged bi phone sex sessions, I just sat back, watched, and cheered them on! It was so fucking hot. I can’t even begin to tell you how hot it was. Just watching them both suck each other off, and then watching my friend fuck my ex in the ass…OMG!

Needless to say, after we made it through those stages, encouraged bi phone sex and cocksucking became a regular part of our sex life, lol. We only parted ways after he moved across the country for grad school. I still talk to him sometimes, too. Turns out he’s got a boyfriend now, lol.

So obviously, I have a lot of experience with both real-life encouraged bi fantasies and also encouraged bi phone sex. So if you have a fantasy like that you’d like to play out over the phone with me, you should definitely give me a call! All you have to do is click the button below to give me, Kristen, a ring. Tell me you want some hot bi fun when you get me on the line, and I’ll know exactly what you’re looking for. Talk to you soon!

Click here to Talk To Me
Diaper Fetish Phone Sex With Lauren https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/2024/07/17/diaper-fetish-phone-sex-with-lauren-3/ Thu, 18 Jul 2024 01:00:07 +0000 https://femdomgoddessphonesex.com/?p=1143 Continue reading ]]>
diaper fetish phone sex
Hello to all you diaper fetish phone sex boys out there! How are you all doing today? I hope you’re doing well, and I also hope you’ve got your diapers ready to play with Mommy Lauren!

A Mommy Domme Is Exactly What A Diaper Boy Needs

A diaper boy like you is in desperate need of a Mommy Domme phone sex Goddess like me. It’s ok if you’re not an adult baby. You don’t have to be one to appreciate the soft and gentle guiding hand of a Mommy Domme. All you have to do is want to be led kindly down the path that Mommy Lauren wants you to take.

And the path I want you to take, of course, is wearing diapers for me. It wouldn’t be diaper fetish phone sex sexy times without them, now would it? 😉

The Two Types Of Diaper Fetish Phone Sex Boys

Generally, I can divide most diaper fetish phone sex boys into one of two groups. One group is the kind who wears diapers because they’re sexually aroused by them. They don’t need them, and they usually only wear them when they’re doing something sexual, like masturbating on the phone with me.

The other group of diaper boys is the group in which the guys wearing the diapers actually need them. By that, I mean that they usually have bladder or bowel incontinence issues, so they have to wear the diapers for cleanliness’s sake. These guys may or may not be aroused by the wearing of the diapers. If they are, it’s probably a matter of them having sexualized the diapers because they’ve had to wear them so much.

Either one of these motivations is fine with me! I don’t actually care why you wear diapers. Well, I do care. Everyone’s individual stories are fascinating to me. But it doesn’t matter to me which group you fall into. I can have fun with you either way! I’m just a diaper lover phone sex girl at heart, after all.

Let Mommy Lauren Change Your Diaper

Of course, whichever group you fall into, you’ll probably need a diaper change at some point while talking to me. And that’s great because I love changing guys’ diapers! (Yes, even the icky ones.) Why, you ask? Because I think it’s a great bonding experience for the two of us. There’s really not much that’s more intimate than trusting someone enough to let her change your diaper, right?

If you’d like to have some naughty fun times while you’re out of your diaper, that can be arranged, too. But I understand that for some of you, diaper fetish phone sex isn’t about that. So it’s not a requirement or anything. Just an exciting possibility that can be explored if you’re interested in it.

Honestly, this is my kind of sensual domination phone sex! I have several specialties, but diaper fetish phone sex is the one I always come back to. It has such a hold on me that I can’t turn loose of it. And I’m fine with that!

So if you’re looking for a Mommy Domme to help you with your diaper fetish phone sex fantasies, you know what to do! Just click the button below to give me, Mommy Lauren, a call. I want to hear all about you and your diaper fetish. Tell me everything. And then, tell me what you’d like me to help you with, and I’ll be happy to do it. I really look forward to talking to you soon. I think we’ll have a fantastic time together. So go ahead and click that button and get connected with me now!

Click here to Talk To Me