Findom Phone Sex With Kylie

findom phone sex
Heya, boys, it’s me, Kylie! Do you know what Findom phone sex is? I’m sure you do, but if not, strap in because you’re about to learn something life-changing here.

Findom phone sex is short for financial domination phone sex. What that means is the redistribution of wealth, from you to me. A boring old guy like you doesn’t need money. What are you going to do with it, anyway? Spend it on a mid-life crisis? What you need to do is give it to a hot schoolgirl Princess like myself to spend on things like pedicures and fashion and, of course, partying!

A bratty Femdom phone sex Goddess like me is just what you need to handle your finances. I’ll take care of everything, don’t you worry. You just keep listening to your dick and making decisions with it, and I’ll deal with the financial side of things. You can trust me. Really.

It’s not that I need your money, mind you. It’s just that I enjoy taking it from you. Someone like you doesn’t need it. Someone like me? I deserve it. So that’s why I’m going to rinse you for all I can, to remind you of your place.

Are you ready for the best rush of your life? Then, brace yourself and click the button below to give me, Princess Kylie, a call. I can’t wait to take you for all you’re worth and then some!

Click here to Talk To Me